Information Conceptualisation

The following are notes that I had written and never finished. They were temporarily published on a friend's blog. 
Information Conceptualisation

"Schizophrenia was the leap ahead that failed"; Philip K. Dick, Exegesis

In our nightly dreams we experience our worries and successes as types of visual analogies or as literal interpretations and reruns of events that happen to us while we’re awake. We hallucinate our experience and even dream outcomes that could be based on our desires and fears. These types of hallucinations are accepted as part of the human experience despite them not fitting appropriately within the traditionally accepted materialistic three-dimensional world. Just like consciousness itself, dreams are considered illusional and without basis in the “real world”, despite them being fundamental to human experience.

Something that’s outside of space, non-physical, is also outside of time, since time and space are intrinsically linked. Time adjusts and changes depending on proximity to objects. An intelligence that has evolved beyond the physical, has also evolved beyond time.

Dreaming is the conceptualisation of personal information, if you're worried about work then your dreams will manifest that information in strange and bizarre ways and always in a way that relates specifically to those concerns. Dreams are abstract interpretations of those personal feelings and anxieties. If you spend your day continuously thinking about a particular deliverable for you and your colleagues then these may manifest as self-conscious reflections within your subconscious mind. They are not always to be taken literally and are simply a type of data processing, although data in the analogous sense.

Whatever you choose to concern yourself with during the waking hours, will influence your subconscious mind while sleeping.

We represent ourselves physically when we're awake, we're present and appear accordingly, in this way our conscious experience is present within the moment and aware. While sleeping our bodies may jolt and move partially in response to dreams, but our conscious experience is not present physically. 

While we're unconscious the logical mind has little influence over perception and has less control. In this state anomalous information is able to be accessed unfiltered, this also means the information can be quickly lost upon awakening. While conscious we analyse and interpret and the world is assessed in a local and controlled manner, anomalous information is less frequent and usually only when the mind is preoccupied. Meditation allows for an intermediary view between these two states and anomalous information can be accessed. It can also be provoked using active (rather than passive) techniques. 

If there were other intelligences that were able to shift in and out of physicality, if that intelligence were to introduce itself to humanity it wouldn't be with a human handshake requesting to be taken to a leader, it'd introduce in its own way, not in ours. It'd likely appear as a type of cultural shift, a breakdown of known human values. Everything would be questioned, even our sense of self. Influence by these things would likely open our minds to a completely different reality and we'd need to readjust everything in order to accept it. Every essence of what we think we know would likely have to fall away before we can properly start to understand it.

Information is not physical, but it can have physical effects. So physicality is secondary to information. Any intelligence that has access to the source information may be able to make adjustments to it, just as we're able to make adjustments to our internal visualisations, which could also be source reality. With the correct knowledge this reality may be just as malleable as the thought-like one.

The informational field is largely inaccessible without effort. We have to conceptualise by using visual techniques to derive relevant detail. The informational field is unimaginably large, so needs to be broken down and segmented. Normal thought processes appear to perform a similar function; if a detective wants to learn about something, he would pull all relevant parts together to determine the wider picture and then weave the matching pieces together and logically fill the blanks. Information conceptualisation works in a similar way, only visually. It also assumes that information is base reality and accessible by picturing the associated parts to fill in the blanks using a type of imagination to derive content.

If visualisations are performed and are within a specific context (e.g, religious), then the relating output will also be contextually related. Hence some books of the Bible are religious and based from visionary experience, as are William Blake's paintings. The nearest tether to the phenomenon we've been able to use for many generations is religion. These days it's quite often tied to alien visitors. Both may only be analogous to the truth or parts of a broader, incomplete, picture.

A ball is a well defined thing; different cultures and languages are able to describe it the same way. Their languages are different and what they associate with balls is different. The object is well defined. The UFO is not a well defined object by comparison, we are trying to understand it with our societal filters. Therefore extraterrestials to one person and angels to another. The truth is that they're not well enough defined yet, since we know so little about them. 

The more parameters used in the visualisation may lead to a more accurate output, since it may be that we're looking into the quantum superposition of possibilities. So deriving more associations brings us closer to the objective truth of our experience, rather than some more nebulous other possibility.

We're mostly familiar with our own experience, so understand details directly related to us is easy, since we have direct memory access. Determining details not associated with ourselves require the use of tethers or hooks, so would need to have some related details accessible prior to starting visualisation. The blanks can then be filled using the informational field.

The matter universe may be information conceptualised in a consensus way, brought together by collective agreement. We don't accept that others may share this reality (dead or alien) so we're unable to perceive them. Opening our minds to an information based reality may make us able to perceive wider elements beyond a purely matter based existence. Seeing information as fundamental shows that we're only likely accepting this limited subset based on bodily sensing apparatus.

Could the act of focusing on a specific problem within meditation be a form of collapsing the wave function within our conscious experience, seeing as consciousness could be fundamentally a quantum process.

If reality were to be a type of mind-first scenario, as proposed by panpsychism and idealism, then our experiences may have some fundamental effect on the world around us. With the world, too, having an equal effect on our minds, them both being part of a larger whole. It may be that we’re misinterpreting divisions among ourselves, seeing them when they are not really present. If a type of overarching mind, or fundamental information, were core to reality then we’d be able to have some loose connection to the greater whole.

We may have access to all information, but those outside of normal memories and perceptions are harder to interpret since we have no direct association to the original source. So we're at risk of rejecting them. Once we conceptualise how to understand and accept that information, we may then be better able to receive data that's not directly associated with ourselves.

We are all able to use imagination to understand what’s happening around us. It’s likely that we’re continuously doing this all of the time. We can also use the power of imagination to derive details that appear to be unrelated to our conscious memories.

In order to determine information about something; mentally create an object, the object should be associated somehow with the subject matter. It can be present within a space and that space can act upon the object. The environment can be a predetermined mental space. Once the object is added, leave it there and go about your day, be intermittently aware of it. After a few hours or days, visit the area again and see how the object and space is changed. You may even be able to observe changes while there in real-time, even when initially created. It should be as impersonal as possible. Careful not to lose the answer in the void of information, by forgetting about it.

Physical reality may be inclusive of the mutually agreed aspects, non-physical could be the non-agreed parts. No less real, just more easily adaptable. Visualisation techniques allow for idea propagation and potentially receipt of information not associated with oneself. If we’re shifting ourselves outside of space-time, then we could have access to details present in different points in both time and space.

Everything is a division of good and bad. As demonstrated with the yin yang. None of us are truly good or truly bad. If we were able to fire ourselves through a prism our goodness and badness would refract out representing our essence. We are also those elements condensed and refracted elements of the fundamental consciousness.

Just as a sperm fertilises an egg and cells generate and divide, so does a genetic material containing asteroid seed life on planets that also divide and populate. We are part of a process and well within that growth period, not fully developed.

Information Conceptualisation 

If we have shared perceptions or thoughts then maybe consciousness has no boundaries between people. Remote viewing may be further evidence of this and it adds credence to the idea of a fundamental consciousness or informational domain that we're inadvertently abstracting ourselves from.

Are our thoughts interfacing with probabilities, visualisations of possible outcomes?

We don't understand how a lion comprehends, nor would we understand them if they were able to speak. An animal wouldn't know how to make sense of our technology, so might it be equally difficult for us to make sense of theirs. We may not even recognise it when faced directly with it. It may be outside of our societal accepted senses, so inadvertently ignored.

They're able to affect our conscious experience, even appearing to us while we're in trances. So there seems to be some kind of loosening of the boundaries between thought-like and normal reality. I can only suppose it means that they're either able to adapt conscious experience through hyper-advanced technologies, or they are derived from a type of thought or information-like existence. Or indeed somewhere in-between these possibilities.

The materials appear to have an anomalous composition, their isotopic ratios are unlike what we're used to seeing, suggesting that they're manufacturing these physically. If consciousness is in anyway primary to existence, then it's possible that these are originating, and manufactured, from outside of three-dimensional space. The very fact that these materials have been recovered by us surely cannot be accidental. They're intended to be recovered and therefore must contain information that we are able to interpret.

Light is illuminating, so is consciousness. By concentrating on mental environments and accepting their possibility, we're broadening our comprehension to something that's always there, only not recognised before.

Our recognised bodily perceptions limit our ability to comprehend beyond the body.

We can analogise the physical world to a computer simulation, since there appears to be some base level to this reality that appears information-like or consciousness-like. Therefore we accept the possibility that our comprehension of reality may be limited. Just as a flying disc could be computationally generated within a computer simulation by an outside source, so could a device be informationally generated within our reality from an outside source. So while we see technology with these objects, that is us viewing them within the boundaries of our accepted consensus reality bubble. There is the possibility that these things are arriving from a broader reality into this physical space in a perceptually limited way, that is, limited by our perceptions. Therefore their wider material makeup and composition are not being fully recognised. It could be that they're as unusual as lines of code that represent the geometric shapes in computer generated imagery. We process that code as "alien spacecraft", when we're really just deceiving ourselves.

In order for something to appear from a wider dimensional space into our narrow existence it'd require the material to fit within this boundary. The act of moving into this dimensional space may make the material makeup appear technological and of physical origin. That may be a misinterpretation.

Conversely, it is also possible that we are not fully recognising our own composition and awareness, somewhat due to our own societal dogma. When we consciously move ourselves into a mental space, we too may be doing that in a way where we'd appear different or incomplete to anything that'd reside within that space.

I wonder if there's a greater intelligence that's projecting material into our physical bubble and we cause shifts in those objects when we perceive them. Since they weren't fully defined before arriving here, leaving us to make some determination of their composition. We're perceiving some intelligence and then making that intelligence fit within our expectations. We may perceive a grey alien, but to those intelligences, they'd appear completely different. Not just within the boundaries of our limited sensing apparatus.

The idea that they're leaving material that's able to bleed information into an observer may tell us several simple things; that information can reside in objects (not such a crazy idea since we're already creating devices that do this), that information may represent base reality, and humans have some capacity to read information that's beyond the five generally accepted senses. They're demanding that we look deeper into ourselves for answers, rather than looking externally. Especially if this physical reality is projected from some type of internal or base reality. To really make sense of true reality we need to look beyond the limited perceptual one and expand into - and make allowances for - a more thought-like one.

We generalise our reality to physical and perceptual experiences, only this is us viewing the world through this bodily frame projecting out *from* conscious experience. That conscious experience really does come prior to the physical and we appear to be incorrectly associating the two by saying one cannot exist without the other. Regardless of our conscious experiences appearing to have the capacity to detach from the physical directly into something that's more information or consciousness-like.

If there were a higher intelligence that was able to make sense and project themselves in and out of a more source reality, then they'd not be subject to the same physical limitations that we have. They would have capacities to project objects and thoughts into this reality, since their technology extends beyond it.

Maybe we're simply bodies of perception moving through space, time, and information. We're stuck here because we've been unable to conceptualise or understand things in a more significant way. Alternatively we're been shown miraculous events and material that may be signs of something that extending itself into space-time from outside of it. We too appear to be able to extend ourselves outside of space-time using our thoughts. Perhaps these anomalous experiences are inviting us into these spaces in order that we can learn more about ourselves, them, and the reality that we're erroneously limited to. 

Not sure if worth including: If we can unquestionably prove that particles behave in a wave-like pattern until consciously observed, rather than measured, then it may prove that there needed to be a type of conscious observer at the big bang. As a type of awakening.

Dreams and Meditations

I slip myself into a deep trance. I concentrate on ideas that have been on my mind since I first started thinking about this topic. I see information as an infinitely large wall in all directions. I'm present within a space outside of the wall. It's impenetrable and moving, shifting, changing at great speed. I cannot observe the content within the wall. This visualisation is extremely pervasive. 

Within the thought-space, I start to create object-like things. Consistent associations to topics. As I create these things, additional associations start to manifest within the space. These additional items I have no direct memory of. The information within the wall becomes accessible. I am present within this space until I become unconscious and detached from the concept.

I'm looking at a photo we have placed in our kitchen, it's of my partner's grandfather, a person I have never met and know very little about. I take the picture frame from the wall knowing I have a few minutes to allow for quiet moments of contemplation.

I close my eyes and run through a technique that allows me to concentrate on things other than my body and senses. I move myself to a familiar thought-space that represents my psyche. It's a building and has personified elements of myself within the space. I have a door within this space that allows me to reach "outside". I move through the door and across a hill while thinking about the image of my partner's grandfather. As I move over the hill and mentally travel to the image I start to see a house surrounded by flower beds. I am able to understand that a representation of the person and start to attempt communication. Specific details are lost. I ask for information on something that I shouldn't ordinarily know. I start to see an image of two roses in my mind, their stems are intertwined - wrapping around one another from bottom to top. I break the meditation and don't put much more thought into it for hours or days.

Maybe something for the end; if humans/bodies are information processing machines, then the information they have processed would be recorded within them somehow, whether in thoughts or embedded biologically somehow. Analogous to a software's save state containing revisions to the original code.


Lots of people make claims of having experiences but they're usually in response or consistent with other recent public experiences. Waves of consistent descriptions that appear to change over the decades.
