Counter Device

It seems like there has been a never-ending pursuit by counterintelligence services to suggest that there are aliens visiting earth. If I’m honest with myself and allow myself to think fully freely, it gives the analogous appearance of a black hole - the more you look into this subject, the more likely you’re able to be vacuumed up by that obvious answer. It’s so persuasive in its intention, after decades of falsified documentation, no one is fully able to leave its orbit unharmed.

This seems intentional by design, it’s meant as a means to distract from something much larger and more profound. Most probably something that could completely break down civilisation as we understand it today. So the truth is hurried away beneath layers and layers of acceptable, fascinating, and awe inspiring untruths.

“I've got a lot invested in this ride”: Bill Hicks

There's a mythology built around the UFO, also referred by some as the "core story". It's meant to be entertaining and meant to deceive, but it's just that, a story. One built over generations of man and made complex by all those involved with it over the years.

We can only assign this belief based on society’s understanding of reality. We currently see ourselves as a rock floating through space orbiting a star. We see innumerable other stars and assume that these, somewhere among them, have other civilisations broadly in line with ours. This thought process is so firmly sealed that we create fiction that instil these ideas and root them firmly in the unconscious. They work as a type of comfort blanket that’s very easy to rest upon, rather than the truth, which’d likely be far less pleasing. Due to how unfamiliar and mind-bending it’s likely to be.

I suspect that most of the folks associated with the counterintelligence services likely don’t know the broader plan. It’s possible that they’re pawns in a cosmic game, pieces moved around a multi-dimensional board. No idea of the reasons for their movements and motivations. Whether by government or by forces so unimaginably complex that the description of “alien” is so far away from a valid description that we might as well just use “potato” instead.

We need to purposely see these allusions for what they are, they’re meant to attract and deceive. They’ve been persistent for many decades, always the same and always closer to the fabled “disclosure”, without ever really having a true understanding of what they plan to disclose. A perpetual tease.

In reality, it can only be that none of these folks, no matter how long they’ve studied this phenomenon, actually have the true answers available to them. Especially since they’re so obviously looped into the delusion.

Pursuit and study of the phenomenon would require a full reassessment, or even a full rejection of these past and stale ideas. Seeing these anomalous events and viewing them as extraterrestrial I find to be an incredibly reductive perspective. It's naïve to be expecting something based on human ideas. With those ideas firmly rooted in 20th and 21st century principles. On one hand we, society, acknowledge that there's a lot to learn about reality, on the other hand society believes that we have enough of an answer to handwave the anomalous.

I feel that the best place for answers to this “problem” is to try and understand ourselves. We have these unique abilities that are preposterously rejected by society; dreaming, meditations, visualisations. These tell us a completely different story and allow us to witness visions not associated with the self. They also appear to demonstrate that we're not entirely physical.

I keep thinking of the idea of information as a device. In the context of "disclosure" there is this long-standing idea that draws people in. It seems intended as a device to pull those seeking for answers further from the truth after they've been given a glimpse, a taste, of what might come. Instead they're then pulled into the orbit of the methanic black hole.

If these blog posts can work as counter device to those tired ideas and cause even a small number of people to think differently, more arcane, then I would be satisfied. Progression isn't caused by the collection and redistribution of the same-old or antique, as is so often done in this community. New ideas must be used and I firmly believe we must seek through internal visionary experience in order to get ourselves even a little closer to the eventual goal. I'd hope that more mainstream science would be able to make allowances for the anomalous. It appears that the work of Nolan may be pushing in that general direction, even if he seems to tease the usual, accepted, response.

For me these things are informational, I am able to visit a visualisation of a saucer in my meditations. I can ask questions and receive answers. To me, the craft are analogous to information receival. As I've stated in the "information conceptualisation" notes, in order to derive data about something, we need to create mental associations. The "physical" variations of these objects may also be mental associations projected out physically from either the collective unconscious or from some underlying/overarching form of mind. We may eventually not be able to delineate between the collective unconscious and an overarching mind, they could be manifestations of the same fundamental thing. Just as the UFO phenomenon may eventually be indistinguishable, or improbably similar, to man.


  1. Nice that you're back. And as usual, you offer an interesting perspective. Take care!


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