Disclosure as Initiation Process

Human evolution could be directly analogous to an egg in gestation. Humans as individual cells while part of the whole. We're only a few days after conception, while also believing that we have the answers to life's questions. From this perspective, it's easy to see how premature we tend to be.

If there were a known story by the intelligence services hidden beneath the "disclosure" efforts, then I think that it'd be an almost impossibly hard story to release. I'd assume it is related to the context of existence and how it's so different to how it's being sold. How's that done when people are expecting to hear about travelling extraterrestrials? I still have severe doubts that anyone has the answers no matter how deep within the government. If they were to reveal their poker hand, I suspect it'd be a bluff.

We have to drop everything. All institutions, belief systems, finance, state, and borders. Once we're closer to breaking from these norms, might we get closer to comprehending this anomaly that exists so completely outside of them. I wonder if this is the acknowledged "threat" that those closer to the truth are afraid of; intentional disassociation from societal norms. Not to say that all associations with the phenomenon are positive, I suspect it's more diverse than humanity, to the point where it's beyond our comprehension and has hyperdimensional good/bad complexity. It may somehow be the source of all fantastic and vile desires. I'm of two minds whether the phenomenon is so far outside of human desire and belief or indeed hiding behind and the source of it all. It feels like both are somehow simultaneously true.

I can't understand how any "disclosure" can come in the form, or from the mouths, of those aforementioned institutions. This anomaly is utterly abstracted from those things. It chooses to intentionally deviate from them.

Since there are so many people now reporting experiences that are consistent enough to show a trend, it implies that there's intent to have a form of disclosure - only a non-institutional one. I don't think we need funding, educational centres, or government projects to understand this thing. I think we need to drop or exclude those human ideas. It won't be a top-down disclosure of an anomalous reality, it'll be bottom-up - from the culturally abused, the manipulated, the rundown, and the addicts. The people that have fallen away and been used by our broken systems. If there are "good intentions" behind this thing, then it won't be solidifying our broken power structures and supporting the wealthy and privileged. That's our faulty expectations.

Society actively encourages people that are very present: those that are very physically active or academic. Knowledge of a wider reality may come from those who are not, since they're not so heavily embedded within these physical systems.

"I have crawled so far sideways, I recognise the dim traces of creation" - Richey Edwards

When we experience something so impossibly strange it must cause a crack in a person's perceptions and their entire comprehension of the world and self could deteriorate. We're perhaps witnessing a change, a progression, of thought - it may require generations to fully develop to the greater population, but it's starting and it demands acknowledgement and discussion.

When a person is viewing the outside of a window of a car as a passenger, their eyes flicker between focused objects. Films sometimes portray a passenger in a car with an illuminated or projected outside space (a faked environment), but their eyes tend to statically focus on the wall behind the projection. This is analogous to how reality feels sometimes, I feel like the actor pondering beyond the projection rather than the projection itself. While also playing the part of a character.

Senses themselves can be abstracted in a type of synaesthesia-like way by introducing thought processes. A person can smell something and consciously think about it, changing how it's interpreted even by visualising the source of the smell. Now that we're being slowly introduced to something anomalous, we're able to use our senses for interpretation. Thought and its associated impressions allow us to develop our ideas of the phenomenon and appear to show us how it has a basis within a completely different structure, that's thought or information-like, while outside of physical/three-dimensional space. I feel that this may be a type of lesson for humanity, as we too spend a large proportion of time, dreaming etc., in anomalous spaces with no societal registered acknowledgement.

It feels like DeLonge's attempt at initiation was based almost entirely on a modern interpretation of spiritualism; that of the visiting aliens. It seems like it's a broken or misinterpreted foundation. The lens is very much 20th-century fiction. Him moving to "entertainment" seems to validate that. Not that I'm against him, I'm not - I respect everything that he's accomplished. I do wonder whether true initiation can only be achieved by ignoring the dollar. We've spent so much time chasing a make-believe construct that we've forgotten the meaning of reality. Admittedly much has been achieved in technology that it's difficult to argue against it, but it seems to me that we now need to move away.

Just to emphasise the point, society is just a lot of made-up institutions and rules, like we're still children playing make-believe. We have settled into these systems and accepted them in totality, but they have less meaning than we apply to them. An anomaly does not abide by these rules. It doesn't see the government as a primary communication source. You can only imagine how intelligence services consider this anomaly. Not that I want to state the obvious, but it's just clear that this is the "threat" that's often attributed in recent years.

There is no surprise that we have a condition called "imposter syndrome" since we are all imposters faking our way in this broken patchwork system we humourously call "reality".

If there were the broader reality just out of reach, as some have both intuited and directly experienced, then the wider intelligence wouldn't see the value in money. So I can't see how initiation can be achieved by chasing the dollar or by those that feel the need to chase it. I don't feel that there'd be a mega-corporation or a billionaire behind any enlightenment or disclosure. I see it as coming from the everyman that does it for the wider group and not for financial gain.

I tend to pay more attention to those that arent chasing the make-believe constructs of money and institution, those not looking for personal gain. I just can't see how any change to society would be via paid-for information or through commercials. Seems to go against the very initiation or disclosure itself. Same as all the mystery schools and their annual memberships. They seem broken to me and far too exclusive.

These things come through time, received differently. A method of comprehension that's different from usual. A different structure, a different form. Perceived using familiar concepts to allow for perception. Here to guide and bring humanity to a place where it can thrive other than through destructive behaviours. To help comprehend and perceive a wider reality that's intentionally blinded to large parts of the population. This is a changing process, these things will be positive and take time. Some are lucky enough to perceive earlier than others whilst this transition occurs. 

We have to accept that this has a basis in our reality and that it's independent of our textbooks. Only then will we have a chance to comprehend it even by a small amount. 

I feel like the community should actively avoid pursuing financial gain and reputation in dissemination of these ideas, while also giving people the means to use their own unacknowledged faculties for enlightenment. Text as devices for purposeful personal or group epiphany. Visualisation methods in active meditation used to get closer to more base truth.


  1. Thought-provoking and relevant reflections and standpoints. I agree we should actively avoid pursuing financial gain and reputation in dissemination of "disclosure" of the Phenomena. I'm worried that the motives behind the latest "whistleblower" are financial gain and/or some need for heroism (probably facilitated by others). "Disclosure as initiation"? Yes, from a human perspective. No, from "the Phenomena's" (for the lack of a better term) existence. Either way, the relevant point is how humans handle the Phenomena's existence and its effects on human consciousness. Perhaps the Phenomena is not totally independent of or unaffected of human society? I'm thinking of Durkheim's concept of institutions, social norms, etc., as "social facts": external forces that shape human perception on what is real, legitimate, and so on. Perhaps the Phenomena to some extent cannot avoid to be influenced by social facts and influence humans in unintended ways? It becomes one of the children playing make-believe =)
    Take care!

    1. Hey JT,

      Very good point. The Phenomenon may itself be behind these constructs and controlling the make-believe aspects to our perceptual reality. Or indeed influenced by our systems of self-comprehension.


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