The Extraterrestrial Nature of UFOs

Written by Jay09784691

We have a problem where people always want to apply human traits to other creatures. Just look at the thousands of images of dogs and cats wearing clothes for evidence. We're constantly projecting ourselves onto everything else. What if we were to face a superior intelligence that either evades that projection or uses it for its illusion? Maybe we'd struggle to recognise the source.

There is much more to this problem than what we initially perceive. I have been of two minds whether to consider that some type of ET was part of the answer in spite of my own feelings and experiences, I found it difficult when I heard of material being retrieved. This is exacerbated when coming across documentation from AATIP and writing about it, since their conclusions appear to be (at least at one point in time) that it's advanced technology from a potential, material, extraterrestrial.

All films throughout history on alien intelligence, we've always seen aliens as an invading force, this is our mistake. Invasion is an inherently human activity, there is no evidence that a superior intelligence would ever even consider invasion. We can only really assume that the higher intelligence of a species, the more problems they have overcome. One major issue with humanity is its self reliance on division and warfare. If there was ever something that was at a higher evolutionary stage, then we can only assume that it wasn't through further proliferation of weapons and self destruction. The idea of these things must seem bizarre and strange to something that'd be significantly more advanced than us. Especially if they/it were largely non-physical, as I've argued previously.

Just as we see an animal consuming it's offspring, another intelligence must look at us in a similar way. As having bizarre, self-persecuting traits. Imagine being a completely non-human hyper-advanced intelligence and viewing this society. It'd seem completely preposterous that humans spent their entire time trying to outdo, plagarise, undermine, and murder each other for their own personal gain.

The idea that we should shoot at unknown objects shows how brutally primitive we can be as a species. We need to understand these things and not project our societal belief structures onto them, as it can surely only lead to failure.

It could be that these objects are being emitted, or viewed, from the perspective of the subconscious and they are filtering through to our conscious thoughts and experiences; a person interested in science fiction, then may see saucers and aliens. Another person that’s inclined towards religion would then get visions of religious apparitions, as the information passes up from their subconscious to their waking minds - or indeed their waking mind interpreting something unknown using memories and knowledge to define what the objects are. It's likely that none of these things are true and we're rather witnesses to something unknown to our society, even if it is well aware of us.

If panpsychism or idealism are true (I'm inclined to believe they are an approximation of the truth), then every aspect of the phenomenon is an element of ourselves. As information, or consciousness, might be fundamental and must derive from the same source. Just a more advanced consciousness in a higher evolutionary stage. So the idea that an unknown intelligence is time travelling humans can then be both true and untrue. It's seemingly possible that we are dealing with subconscious projections that are being made manifest. Whether our subconscious projections or from some other part of the fundamental consciousness.

I wonder if we're being assisted in our evolution, apparently through our subjective experiences and not through some grand quantifiable show. We can't measure the quantities and physical qualities of the objects since we generally only use material tools in our understanding. The whole scientific community relies on repeatable, measurable activities, only we're interacting with something that, at times, transcends those things.

The nearest analogy may be that these objects are trying to nurse a humankind to adulthood. We teach babies and children slowly because their comprehension of the world is low. We can only assume that a type of higher intelligence would do the same to a lower level intelligence only with an order of magnitude greater complexity.

A common view among people interested in the gray area of UFOlogy is to assume that the anomalous apparitions are some alien species from some other planet. I can't help but think that this point of view is "noise" in that it's an easy response to something that already won't be fully accepted among the masses. It appears to fit a lot of the descriptions, especially when saucers, discs, tic-tacs are described as flying about the atmosphere. It's beyond our technology, so therefore it must be an advanced equivalent physical species. Much in the same vein as those seen in films and television for many years.

This is a societal response to something unknown. We've applied our expectations to an anomalous unfamiliar event. We filter the entire world through our memories and experiences. Some of those filters are placed from fiction, therefore one person deciding that an apparent physics breaking light in the sky is an alien, that gets turned into a book or a film and those then apply to a kind of collective memory. These collective memories are then slowly applied to all similar events and some consider the case closed - "it's aliens".

The objects appear like a blank canvas that we project our own thoughts and beliefs onto, or they're partially being adapted by the source intelligence for whatever message they're trying to slowly introduce over millennia.

There's a recent admission by the Pentagon that the three UFO videos, found on Christopher Mellon's website, are legitimate. Many are taking this as confirmation that UFO=alien, therefore aliens are real. This is surely a premature conclusion. All they've really confirmed is that unknown objects have been tracked by multiple means. While it's understood that the AATIP have been close to concluding an ET presence is the answer, it may just be evidence that no one within governments have any real understanding of what's going on.

There are claims that the US military are trying to back engineer the technology of objects and the AATIP appeared to make similar proclamations. I have doubts that these kinds of replications are based on people having a full craft and determining the function. I suspect it's more likely based on them hypothesising the apparent functions and then building technology around that. It would certainly appear so by looking at the microwave radiated metamaterials and the infamous NAVY patent. All of the projects contracted by the AATIP are looking at the potential function. I personally feel that if it's an actual technology that we're witnessing, then even the projects that are listed as DIRDs are way behind on the total function. I doubt we've even cracked the surface, since they're looking only at material function. I suspect these things are fully making use of a type of subjective science as well as objective.

We get a numinous presence from the phenomenon, as if we're able to read an element of the collective and historical unconscious. Maybe a Platonic form that we've configured and adapted over centuries. It's an unknown and unfortunately many are too quick to conclude what it is.

Physicalism is important to us. Advanced intelligences have likely transcended beyond the need for persistent physical bodies (and maybe they never had them in the first place). They'd appear physically for our requirements, not for theirs.

Contrary to the title of this post, I seriously doubt that extraterrestrials are what we're witnessing with these objects, the answer is way too obvious and reality appears significantly more complex that we currently believe. The suggestion that we're in a computer simulation is also too simple an idea and should only be considered an analogy, the wider reality being complex beyond current comprehension.

A physical "show" may be misleading. It might be trying to demonstrate something to us by being largely non-physical or by being somewhat present in subjectivity. The physical manifestations are likely a lesson that we've yet to fully comprehend. Turning it into a technology might be missing the entire point. Everything can be discovered better through internal processes rather than an external one. People always look to others for answers when everything can actually be discovered more accurately within themselves.

As Saul from the bible was written to have the "scales fall from his eyes" as he regained his lost vision, once we drop the societal filter from our eyes, we also might gain sight where we were once blind.


  1. Great, really well thought out and reasonable. It sounds like you've been listening to or reading Jacque Vallee.


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