The UFO Phenomenon as a Liminal Object

Written by Jay09784691

It’s common within the UFOlogy community to assume that there are vehicles piloted by extraterrestrials from some distant solar system that are currently visiting this planet, which may very well be the case, only there are enough signs around the topic that seems to suggest something more complicated may be the cause. I like to approach it from the angle that there is much more to this topic than the most obvious answer.

I'll be referring to UFOs as "craft" (or “objects”) throughout this article for convenience only, I'm yet to be convinced that they're piloted craft at all and could be something approximating a living and intelligent being themselves. At this stage, we really can't say.

In the previous two articles of this blog, I referred to subjective and objective states of humans; our objective (material) selves are our bodies and our consciousnesses would be our subjective, or mental elements. I’ve suggested that the mental aspect, including visionary experiences, are somehow based in reality and may have non-material objects. If we assume that the UFOs are somehow related to superior intelligence - their actions would certainly suggest so - then it’s safe to say these craft have learned to master both the objective and subjective environments. As we know, humans exist as both subjective and objective; it seems like an odd thing to need to point out, but I want to explore this further.

As abstract as the idea may be, the objects must presumably have mastered the material, or objective, world and in the process of doing so have understood the subjective or mental existence. They could have developed such a powerful technology to master the physical and the mental.

So an advanced intelligence could have progressed in their civilisation way beyond our usual levels of understanding. This means that their technology could occupy both of those spaces. They could be present in the mental space not just in a way that allows telepathy or anything obvious like that, these objects may be able to occupy both spaces and navigate between them. They could be moving in a liminal space between subjectivity and objectivity.

I feel that this drawing, by my partner, perfectly illustrates the concepts of an object that is both physical and has elements of the non-physical combined into one. It also represents the idea that we may have a symbolic or symbiotic connection to the craft:


The objects themselves may, or may not, be able to move in consciousness spaces, but it’s clear that the relating intelligences are. It is possible that the material manifestation of these intelligences may cause them to appear as a disc (or a “tic tac”) shape in the physical reality.

We’ve heard multiple times before of people, when exposed to the objects, conversing, or influenced, using only their minds. It seems likely that consciousness is a kind of polymorphic interface where different species (or consciousnessses, for want of a better word) are able to access and communicate through psychic function. Imagine being exposed to something that is affecting you in both ways simultaneously, would presumably affect you in unexpected ways. At this point I’d like to reference a paper that’s written by Jacques Vallée and EarthTech’s Eric Davis:

The paper describes "The Six Layers of UAP Analysis" and should be read by anyone interested in this subject, as it illustrates different ways that people can be affected by the UFO phenomenon. Of particular interest and relevant to this article, is the section titled "Layer V" which is present here:

It's pretty easy to understand that an object that can affect a person mentally and physically could cause them to have a crisis, leading them to change their very fundamental belief structures in a significant and profound way. It would also likely open their minds to wider and more complex realities, allowing them to have unusual visions approximating some level of psychic function. Purely through exposure to something unknown and not previously comprehended.

These objects are potentially able to affect the thoughts and the consciousnesses of all living beings, causing them to evolve or obverse in new and unique ways. Considering these things can move in a mental environment, which would presumably take further steps in technology, then it's easy to imagine that adapting physical space would be child's play for them.

I've previously entertained the idea that consciousness could be somewhat present in the quantum vacuum. If so, then these craft could be affecting their mass to such an extent that it moves them directly into a consciousness environment. It’s a huge stretch and I’m aware that when looking to explain something that cannot easily be described within Einstein’s Theory of Relativity people tend to fall on anything “quantum”.

I know that while I'm present in my own subjective experience, through meditation, I'm able to change and adapt all objects using only will. It appears that these craft can do the same, or somewhat the same, in our physical environment. The objects may also be able to switch to different frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum affecting the material of the objects allowing them to be invisible through smart ways of adapting their metals, as suggested in a lot of metamaterial patents and papers by governmental technology divisions.

I like to think that Jung's collective unconscious is still a separate entity (for want of a better word) to the UFO phenomenon, even if the phenomenon can adapt and move within that space. The collective unconscious could very well be the informational domain that we’re somewhat present in.

I wonder if the entire purpose behind these things is to both open the mind of the individual and for society to really ask of itself how it understands existence. I like the idea that we’re aided in our progressions to a higher comprehension level. For a long time it seems that we’ve really nailed the scientific and objective reality. The levels of subjectivity that we’ve long since rejected maybe about to have a resurgence.

Mystical groups have talked about spiritual and mental environments, these intuitions may have some real basis in collective reality. Long rejected by most of society as they conflict with parts of organised religion and even traditional sciences. We could be pushing ourselves into a totally new territory and opening ourselves to something really overlooked up until our society is able to finally comprehend the possibilities.

The UFO and Human Institutions

We have to throw out lots of our current belief structures to better understand the phenomenon. I doubt that it cares much for our societal institutions and ways to grade education, or personal expressions of worth and growth. It likely doesn’t care about our nationalities or gross domestic product. It’s hard to imagine that an advanced intelligence that shifts in-and-out of physical, mental - maybe even “spiritual” environments - cares much for our material objects, our economics and politics, or capitalism itself. We really have to consider throwing out many of the things we accept as important.

We have the tired old expression of "Take me to your leader" often applied to UFOs in films, but in reality, the UFO wouldn't care to be taken to a leader and would likely influence at all levels of society in a way that pushes that society to a greater evolutionary stage. Likely bypassing the military, unless there was a specific need to engage with it.

You can imagine a situation where something that wants to push exceptional ideas upon us, would adapt and change the message depending on the recipient. Different message for the military and a slight change for society at large.

I totally understand the military’s need to consider these things as a “threat”, it’s obviously not a threat in the sense that it wants to conquer us, as far as we can tell, more of a threat because it could be about to change the whole hierarchy and aim of humanity itself.

The entire phenomenon would need to ease the idea of reality being significantly different from our textbooks. It would be a process that'd take time. I like to think that we as a species are nearing, or more likely, already present within that epoch. Just taking a read through many of the metaphysical and mystical papers that have appeared over the past 70 years would suggest so. All you’ve got to do is pay attention to the relevant subject areas and you notice that changes are apparent.

So while the UFO probably interprets society in an entirely different manner, you’d hope that it had sensitivities to ours. At least initially while its message it being delivered. Whatever that is.


As a side note, I wanted to briefly refer to the organisation UFOData. This isn’t your usual UFO related organisation run by amateur civilians, as some of the “team” include the likes of Leslie Kean, author of “UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go On the Record” and Christopher Mellon now of Tom DeLonge’s To The Stars Academy.

Their website includes some very interesting publications on tracking objects that presumably come in and out of our environment and are able to be physically and electronically tracked. The devices they use include the following:

I. All-sky cameras
II. Magnetometers
III. Video cameras and muti-speed variations
IV. Microwave spectrometers
V. VHF and VLF/ELF Receivers and UHF Spectrometer
VI. Geiger Counter

There are both presentations and papers on their sites and it appears that they’ve set up monitoring stations at various places across the globe. The relating papers are from 2014/2015 and they have information on results that were obtained, from photos, EM/VLF signals, and other attributes are recorded in locations like the US, Norway, Italy and Canada.

As far as I can tell this group must have some really interesting and enlightening data on these objects and I hope that the information is able to come out in a more digestible format that’d appeal to the wider population.

It is particularly interesting that they’re monitoring electromagnetic frequencies, as these are being investigated by many private and governmental organisations, including Los Alamos National Laboratory and former General McCasland’s (rumoured to have initially started conversations with DeLonge) new employer Riverside Research Institute - judging by their patents. So there appear to be correlations between some private companies and apparent functionality of the objects themselves.

My UFO Experience

I’ve talked in the past about exploring my internal processes and thoughts in order to understand things a little better, so it won’t come as a huge surprise that I’ve tried to do the same here. I understand that it may reduce some of the other concepts that I’ve spoken about because of the absurdity of it all, but I’m going to do it here anyway. So if it doesn’t interest you to read about it, you can skip this part, and apologies to the rest of you reading it as I understand that this stuff can be considered (and probably is) completely insane and it’s the area that I worry writing about.

I’ve put myself in a thought space before and I honestly don’t think it was an intentional thing to come across a traditionally shaped “flying saucer” but that’s what happened. I mentally visited an area that had some building and above that building was a UFO. It was completely metallic looking and appeared seamless. It was rather large, covering the entirety of the building below, and then some. It was monolithic. I approached it and passed through the exterior and into the interior, none of which seemed to be technological in a way that I understood technology to be. The inside of the craft was featureless apart from a significant hole in the centre. The hole wasn’t visible from the outside, but clearly was much deeper than the exterior wall appeared from the outside. So didn’t fit into normal dimensional space as we understand it.

And that’s about it.

I wondered whether this was my own processes telling me that researching the idea of a UFO as a type of technology from an advanced civilisation may be a fool’s errand. Even after a bit of time, I don’t really have a great understanding of it, so assume it’s likely fantasy on my part. I’ve included it here since I’m trying to actively promote the idea of sharing anomalous experiences, even if they end up being of little worth. So against my better judgement, I’m sharing it here.


We have to accept that there is much more to this subject than we initially believe and would likely include completely unknown, or seemingly impossible variables - including these advanced intelligences, and potentially their machines, occupying mental, physical, even spiritual environments.


  1. Trust me, you have not seen a craft. Everything you saw was just a tiny aspect of something incredible. It exceeds the knowledge of the 21st century what it really is. The question is more if Humans are to be understood as something independent. Or we are part of something unimaginable that dreams and plays with us. It is gigantic in its dimensions and it constantly moves over this world. Assume that there are some people who can already grasp more, to which it demonstrates incredible things. And even these people have already experienced several culture shocks. Because it questions everything ..

    1. Does it have anything to do with E8?

    2. Yes. It consists of an infinite number of sphere-like structures that can take on any size. It can expand in a flash in any direction at the same time. Maybe they are very strange spheres, not strictly mathematical as we humans understand it. Speed is meaningless, and it is not tied to current ideas about the passage of time. On the contrary, it has to become extremely slow so that our eyes as well as our brains can perceive and process it. Why do so few see it? Because it selects itself the people, it communicates about very fast light? impulses / sequences and deposits familiar patterns in the brain. It determines what and how much we can already see. It is responsible for everything people see in the sky. It demonstrates simple images like UFOs or light spheres, some see great, bird-like creatures. It only reflects the human imagination. How it works is not important here. A very small group? of Humans already see impossible patterns. Complicated distorted constructs and they change extremely fast and in motion. It certainly did not originate under the conditions of this star system. It is interesting that it demonstrates special patterns for all planetary stages of development...We decide nothing at all, it does not care for our ideas and dreams, it generates them.

  2. Responding to previous Anonymous comments. Thank you. And thank you for the post. Nothing here is what it seems. Encounters, engagement, interaction are prompts designed to trigger evolution of consciousness. One experiences what one has evolved to discern. Rather than a single form, the collective response triggers the expanded scene. Imagination has no limits.

  3. When someone claims to know what these craft or their occupants are, where they come from, or what they are doing here, it should be your first clue that they are full of it.


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